Welcome to Godly Sensation

God wants you well. Understanding and living according to God’s plan is the key to life’s fulfillment. We share this truth through various creative means – writing, music, acting etc.

Daily Insights

The Unshakable Man

If you do these things, be assured that favour will be on you and you will never be moved. Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent?Who may live on…

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The enemy has lied to us to make us believe that serving God or following His ways is boring, difficult, and frustrating. This is a BIG lie. The problems and sufferings we face today is simply because we do not understand that God wants the best for us.

We spend money to buy books on self-improvement to find peace and live more productive, but this is exactly what God is giving us freely every day.

If you can see God’s words as counsels or advice, you will see a dramatic shift in your life that will propel you to a life of happiness.


We constantly remind you that God wants us to live happy and peaceful lives, and that following His counsels is the ultimate fulfillment, and should be appreciated.

We help you identify limiting factors, which are lies that hold us back, and hinders us from living the good life designed for us.

We share priceless truths – success tips (including business ideas) to help you make better decisions.

Kindly subscribe to our newsletter today to receive these truths directly in your inbox and watch as your life will improve.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free – Jesus Christ

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